Visit with Collaborator Dr. Kay Chen

Visit with Collaborator Dr. Kay Chen

Several members of the lab recently joined Dr. Meier for a productive day of sharing and learning with collaborator Dr. Kay Chen from the University of New Hampshire’s Translational AAC Data Science Lab.

Four TAN Research Assistants Receive PEAK Awards

Divya receives Summer 2023 PEAK Award

Undergraduate research assistant Divya Ravikumar ’25 received a PEAK “Summit” award for the summer semester to support her independent mentored research project, “Optimizing and Standardizing Quality Assessment of Functional Near-Infrared...
Escape Room + Lab Dinner 2023

Escape Room + Lab Dinner 2023

TAN Lab members celebrated a successful end of the academic year with a group “Escape Room” activity and lab dinner at perennial crowd favorite, The Cheesecake Factory!

ASHA Convention 2022

ASHA Convention 2022

In collaboration with Dr. Shannon Sheppard, Dr. Meier presented at the 2022 ASHA Convention on their recent findings regarding gender imbalance in citation practices within the field of communication sciences and disorders

Dr. Meier Receives AbilityLab C-STAR Grant

Dr. Meier Receives AbilityLab C-STAR Grant

As part of their continued collaboration, Dr. Meier and co-PI Dr. Stephen Intille receive pilot funding from the AbilityLab’s C-STAR to continue investigating “word retrieval in the wild” in people with aphasia.

TAN Lab Cupcake Crawl

TAN Lab Cupcake Crawl

TAN Lab had an incredibly productive summer starting three new grant-funded projects. To celebrate, we got a taste of “sweet success” at our 1st Annual Cupcake Crawl!